This summer, has been the busiest summer EVER for our family. Every weekend and almost every weeknight this summer has been booked! I am LONGING for the cold, blustery days & nights of fall and winter.. not only because I love them.. but because that will make us STAY HOME!
I will miss those family quad rides down to the river with the neighbors and the spur of the moment bbq's with everyone. I'll miss the evenings of haying and then the BIG dinner afterwards. I like to eat can you tell? I'll miss hearing the screaming and hysterical laughing coming from Logan when he's playing outside till midnight with his BFF's. I'll miss getting our blankets and going out in the backyard to lay down on summer nights and looking up at the stars with Logan. I love summer.. but I am SO ready for fall.
Fall for us brings Logan's birthday. He turned 4 this year. His birthday is September 11th or Patriot Day. This was the first year that we discussed what that means. We were heading up to the Puyallup (tradition for us on his b-day) and when we drove under the Freedom Bridge by Fort Lewis, Logan asked why there were yellow ribbons and flags all over the bridge. So Jeremy and I told him the story. He was very interested and very proud that that was his birthday.
It also brings Zane's birthday (October 17th), Jeremy's birthday (October 5th), Lisa's wedding (FINALLY!!!) on the 17th, hunting season (which already started btw). It also brings FOOTBALL season, which I love. I don't know why this started.. maybe because I have 2 boys? I'm not sure. But I think it started when I was pregnant with Logan. I became a die hard football fanatic. I get so excited for Sunday. I plan my whole weekends around the games. I can't wait for my boys to be Little T-Birds. I'm gonna be that crazy mom who dresses in green and gold with the picture buttons on her coat screaming on the side lines.
Fall means getting out my sweaters and coats. There are 3 things I'm obsessed with: 1) Jeans 2) Coats 3) Shoes. It's like Christmas for me. "OH! Look at this one!" Oh I LOVE this Coat!" I'm just dying for a cold day to where my boots, jeans and a warm comfy sweater.
Fall also means a lot of alone time for me. Jeremy spends October and November hunting. When he is home, his mind is else where. I try to plan things to do with Logan, and now with both boys.. Mommy and the boys time. I try to get projects done that normally I would push off for 'later', which never comes. Hopefully this year I can get that dreaded painting finished. We moved into our house almost 6 years ago, and I still haven't finished painting the interior trim and doors. Trust me, I will not ever pick white trim in my house ever again. GRRR.