Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm tired. I'm forgetting things I normally never forget. I think I just have too much going on. So here's my week in general:
  • Monday's: Drill (horse drill team, no I don't dance)
  • Tuesday's: Co-ed Soccer
  • Wednesday's: Nothing for now, Logan starts T-ball next week so for right now it's just laundry, dinner, dishes, baths then more laundry
  • Thursday's: Drill
  • Friday's: Nothing - Really this is the only evening I can relax
  • Saturday's: Next week t-ball games start and
  • Sunday's: LAUNDRY DAY. I have to devote at LEAST one full day to laundry a week. If I don't.. it's a disaster.

So here's a funny about me being tired: Yesterday I had meetings almost all day talking about our budget reduction proposal that was due at 5:00pm (which BTW we didn't submit until about an hour ago), a Board meeting with a bunch of attorneys and another with my staff about misc things. So on days like this I try to look extra professional. I skip out on the casual pants and hoddies and go for the power suit or something comparable. I'm not sure what happened, but not only did I forget my coffee on the counter for the 2nd day in a row, but I never put make-up on. WHAT? NO MAKE-UP? Ok, I'm not the type to be 'natural'. I'm not 'natural'. I look like crap with no make-up. I was so busy that I never went to the bathroom and didn't take a lunch so I never had an oportunity to look in the mirror until I was stopping by Costco getting gas(after I ran out in the parking lot of my work on my way home and my dad had to come bring me gas, cause I was in such a hurry to get to work that am, I figured I could 'make it' one more time), and thought, self? what the hell do you look like after a day like today? I had to do a double take. WHAT? No make-up? How did I forget to put on make-up?


The McGovern Family said...

uh...can i say oops? And at least it's Wednesday, right? And one more don't need to pretend corrine, we know you love the drill (dance) team!

Tishelle Ward said...

That is too funny! Mommy brain?

Alicia said...

That's hilarious! Well it's 82 degrees here today! ha

Demeri said...

oh my god i am dying laughing...too f-ing funny!!!

Becky said...

You are so funny! What a day! Aaron would probably divorce me if I ran out of gas. That is his biggest pet peeve with me. I always let it go really low and think I can just squeeze out one more trip. I've never actually ran out though..crap, I probably just jinxed myself.

Heidi said...

omg! I'm laughing so hard right now. What a day! I had a day like that the other day...then got caught in a freaking monsoon when I was going out to my car with a cart full of groceries! ugh! all you can do is laugh!

Shannon said...

You are so busy dang! I agree with Erin on the drill (dance) team...don't lie...
What a day that was huh? I've never run out of gas but I've been with Lisa like 5 times when she has. I'm glad you made it through the day!