Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cardboard Castle

I loved doing this when I was a kid. Whenever my parent's bought something with a cardboard box I could wait to make my fort or my castle. I used to draw flower boxes outside of my cutout windows and make escape tunnels. So this weekend when I was TRYING to clean my house, I ended up with 3 pretty big boxes, so Logan and made him a castle. Unfortunatly all we had was electrical tape to keep it together.. so it kept falling apart, but that's ok.. We would reconfigure it and make a new one everytime. It was fun.


So proud... and yes those are Jeremy's feet.. guess what? He was sitting on the couch not doing anything.. shocking I know.

1 comment:

Demeri said...

Oh my gosh, too funny we just bought a new TV and Luke put the ENORMOUS box in his room with all the cut outs and what not!!! BOYS, you gotta love em!!!